#CFBR The Commenting For Better Reach Hashtag

No, it’s not the College Football Rankings hashtag anymore. We’re talking about the #CFBR hashtag you’ve seen everywhere lately on LinkedIn.

So, what does #CFBR mean, and when should you use it? We’ve got you…

The hashtag #CFBR stands for “Commenting For Better Reach.” It’s a new trend amongst social media aficionados who want to increase reach and engagement on their posts.

How does #CFBR work?

#CFBR is a strategy deployed so content creators, thought leaders, influencers, and anyone else who wants to be seen, is working on building their network, or trying to develop a reputation for being in-the-know.

#CFBR involves actively commenting on relevant posts within your niche or industry in order to increase your visibility and help your posts reach a larger audience.

The idea behind #CFBR is that by commenting on other people’s posts, you can increase your own visibility and reach by showing up in their notifications and on their post’s comment section.

When you make thoughtful and valuable comments, you can attract the attention of the original poster and their followers, potentially leading to more followers for yourself.

When it comes to the CONCEPT of “Commenting for better reach,” another way to utilize the strategy is to use relevant hashtags within your comments. This will increase the chances of your comment being seen by users searching for or following that hashtag. It also helps to build relationships with other users in your niche by engaging with their content.

When should you use #CFBR?

The most important thing to note is that the #CFBR strategy is not about spamming other people’s posts with irrelevant comments. It’s about providing value and engaging with the community. The goal is to deploy your #CFBR comments very strategically. Be selective in the posts you choose to comment on, and make sure that your comments are relevant, thoughtful, and add value to the conversation.

In a nutshell…

#CFBR is a great strategy for increasing your reach and engagement on social media, particularly LinkedIn and Facebook, where the trend is being utilized the most so people know what it means. Remember, actively commenting on relevant posts within your niche can increase your visibility and attract new followers BUT use your #CFBR comments wisely, and above all, DON’T be a spammer. Always remember TRAV, thoughtful, relevant, add-value.

Stick to these guidelines, and you’re sure to see positive results.
